

Raising the awareness of the staff of a company about the proper management of personal data is a crucial factor for the compliance of the company with the requirements of the Regulation. Compliance is not limited to procedures, forms and records. It is achieved in daily practice by every employee, who knows how to handle personal data during the performance of his duties and from his job. Substantial and targeted personal data training contributes significantly to this.

The implementation of a large number of GDPR compliance projects in companies and public organisations, has given us the experience to provide specialized training content according to the needs of each organization as a whole, but also per department.

Training during the implementation of the GDPR compliance project: training of employees on the correct processing of personal data is part of the successful GDPR compliance. The aim is to understand the values and the prereqirements of the Regulation on the protection of personal data, but also to suggest good data management practices, depending on the job description.

Training on GDPR: we undertake the training of the executives of a company on GDPR issues. The training can be addressed to the entire staff or to meet the needs of a part of the company.

The content of our trainings covers all the issues that affect the compliance of a company, adapted to the specific needs of each business activity.

  • Definitions (what is personal data, processing, data subject, etc.) and how they are interpreted in everyday practice
  • Basic Principles of personal data processing and how they are applied
  • Consent and Information of the data subject
  • Data subject rights
  • Protection of personal data in daily work
  • Dealing with an incident of personal data breach
  • The role of the Data Protection Officer (DPO) in the company
  • How I handle personal data from my workplace.
  • Wrong practices and good alternatives
  • Answers to specific questions from the daily practice of employees